Sunday 23 November 2014

The City of Angels

I arrived in Los Angeles and made my way from the Greyhound station to the local bus, with my backpack on and a bag in each hand. The bus driver was not impressed but I continued onto the bus and got off at the subway. I took the train into the heart of Hollywood and emerged from the station, excitement rushing through me.
My hostel was directly across from the station so I made my way there through a maze of people and street performers, checked in, dumped my stuff and head straight back outside to explore Hollywood Boulevard! I strolled down the street with the Walk of Fame disappearing under my feet, exploring each and every shop along the way. Each one was so unique yet all had one thing in common: fun! Flashing lights and pound music erupted rom every store, perfectly blended with the performances commencing on the streets outside.
I came across the Dolby Theatre, The Chinese Theater and the Hollywood sign, far in the distance, on my mini adventure down the street, and even managed to get myself some dinner.
The next day, I decided to walk up the Walk of Fame, but in the opposite direction, and see what I could find. I came across many more stores, bars, clubs, tattoo shops and, best of all, The Capitol Records Building! I said hi to the Biebs and, after having some lunch in a questionable Subway store, I walked all the way back to the hostel. When I arrived, the staff members were busying themselves with the set up for a party they were hosting later that night. I hung out there and made some really cool friends, namely Otto and Natalia. Otto worked at the hostel and was in charge of the music and beer pong refills for the night! Natalia was from Spain and she was in the states as an Au Pair in Kansas. We had a lot of fun sharing war stories and, once the party got going, enjoyed laughing at the pool and drinking game craziness that was unfolding!
I was up bright and early the next morning, Starbucks in hand, and ready for the city tour ahead of me! We set out and the guide pointed out so,ex old Oil Fields as we were driving toward Venice Beach. Once we arrived, we were given some time to explore, and I spent mine walking down the beach, feet in the water, toward the pier. I spent some time on the pier watching the surfers, then made my way back along the road and through the market place. I even came across the famous  muscle Beach, which is an out door gym situated on a section of the beach.
We hopped back onto the bus and drove through Santa Monica, which was beautiful, and even saw the dock where Dexter is filmed!
When the bus stopped again, we all got off and found ourselves in Old Town Los Angeles, a tiny, beautifully persevere little town, lined with Mexican stores selling all sorts of things! We spent some time there but I crossed the road to see the area that was used as the CBI offices in the filming of The Mentalist! I was learning fast that the saying was true: every part of LA has been used for filming!
We got back on the bus and drove up Maul Holland Drive, which is a road that not only climbs the huge mountain the divides the city of Los Angeles, but is also the road upon which many celebrity homes can be found. We stopped at the top of the mountain at a look out point that gave you a breathtaking panoramic view of the city, and also provided a great view of the Hollywood Sign. We snapped some pics and jumped back onto the bus, en route to Beverly Hills.
The area was beautiful, as one would amazing, and there was wealth everywhere you looked. We stopped one last time on the famous Rodeo drive, where shopping is by appointment only and if you have to ask the price, you cannot afford it.
I, in my jean shorts, tank top and All Stars, did not even step into one of the stores but enjoyed walking the length of the street and watching the magnificent cars rocket past me.
We got back on to the bus for the final time, and I was dropped off at my hostel where I had dinner and went to bed after a full day of exploring.
I awoke to my last day, but  had lots of time to kill before my bus left that evening. I was invited to the beach with a few people from the hostel, but it unfortunately had to decline as I unfortunately didn't have quite that much time, so I found myself at a Birmingham Italian food festival down the street, wishing I was on the beach instead. I left, slightly annoyed, and with more time left than expected to get through before I could justify leaving for the bus station. As I was walking back toward my hostel, I had the idea to keep walking up the street and go watch a movie in the iconic Chinese Theatre!
I booked my ticket, got myself some very expensive popcorn, and sat down for the screening of The maze Runner.
I loved it, so much!
The greatest thing, however, was that once the movie was over, the timing was perfect to start my journey to the Greyhound Station, and then on to San Fransisco

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