Friday 7 November 2014

San Diego

It took 7 hours to get to San Diego, where I was to meet Victor, a friend of Julie's. He and his best friend David lived next door to each other, and Victor's 80-something year old mother, who was a sweet as anything but hardly spoke English, stayed with him too. They had two sweet little dogs who I became friends with very quickly and who would come jump on my in the mornings.

My first adventure consisted of a beach front town tour, starting in La Jolla, a rich and somewhat snobby town which hosted many cute but smelly seals on its beach front. The sweetest little things, but the stench is strong enough to get you moving on pretty quickly!
We walked around a bot and went into the little shops and art galleries, and then moved on to the next town: Bird Rock. It gave off a younger and almost hipster vibe, and we stopped for iced coffee, sat on a bench and watched the world go by. We soon jumped to the next little town over called Pacific Beach, and gosh did I love it there. Victor and I walked the length of the beach, people watching, which is always such fun! We wandered around and stopped for dinner at a cool little New Zealander restaurant we found. The food was great and we made friends with a lady and gentleman that were sitting next to us, and we chatted the afternoon away!

The next Victor and Victoria adventure was spent in a little place called Seaport Village which is a quaint little shopping village on the harbor. We window shopped for a while and finally gave in and got gourmet cupcakes from a cute little boutique that actually won the TV show competition "Cupcake Wars"! Needless to say the cupcakes were delicious, complimented by the interesting staff in the shop. I made friends with the young man who worked the register who was telling me about his ballet career and his passion for dance. We had a great chat and I had so much energy when we left! We went home through downtown and the Gas Lamp District, where we had dinner. We then headed out to San Diego Old Town which hosted a pretty Victorian section, juxtaposed by the Spanish section across from it. Both were so beautiful and Victor and I once again gave in, and indulged in a Coldstone Ice Cream: Peanut Butter and Jelly flavored goodness.

The next day I was hanging out with David who was invited to a baseball game in the Major League World Series that night! He said that he dint want. To go and gave me his ticket instead: so off I went to the baseball!! The game was the San Diego Padres bs the San Francisco Giants and ended in a close 2-3 to the Padres! The Giants went on to win the World Series so I can now claim to have seen the Champs in action. I had fun at the game and am so glad I got to see it!

The last little San Diego adventure was spent in Balboa park with myself, Victor and the dogs! The park is massive! So huge that 2 main roads and manny little ones go though it.
It hosts a collection of museums, street performances, restaurants and memorials and is over all very pretty! We walked the entire place flat and took a break on a beautiful gene outside of a full scale replica of the Globe Theater. We let the dogs off of their leads and allowed them to run free for a bit while the sweetest baby girl ran and played along with them. Her cute little face all rosy and smiling and her high pitched laugh filling the air, it was such fun.

The next day I was off to LA and so very excited to arrive!

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