Monday 26 May 2014

Flying the Coop

The day has arrived.

Yesterday I woke up to two hungry little cousins, needing food and needing it quickly! My father obliged and cooked the last breakfast that I will have with my family in a very long time. We sat together, laughing and enjoying each other's company until we could no longer put the day off.

It was a busy morning filled with the tying of loose ends and lots of packing and re-packing. We headed off to OR Tambo international airport in high spirits. My emotions were running high and I still could not tell you exactly how I felt. It was an intense mixture of sadness to be leaving my home, and excitement for the journey ahead.

The goodbye was the worst part. My little farewell gathering consisted of my parents, my aunt Sue and uncle Trev, and my 2 little cousins Lee and TJ, all of whom make up a large part of my closest relatives. When we approached the gate, it went quiet. The hugs were short and hard but mixed with many emotions. It was the hardest part of this journey so far but I knew that it would be. Tears, tears everywhere.

Once through passport control, I wondered around aimlessly with tears in my eyes, catching many pity-filled glances from strangers. I eventually made my way to my boarding gate and got onto the magnificent AirBus that would take me to London. That was the saddest I have ever been while stepping onto a plane. Normally this task gives me great joy, but this time it was different.

The flight to London lasted approximately 10 hours, in which time I did not leave my seat once! I found myself seated next to a man from Lisbon, whose English was so broken, I'm not entirely sure what our convocations were about! I watched an episode of the BBC's Live at the Apollo, which featured the one and only Trevor Noah. I'm not sure if he is just that good or if I am already feeling overly patriotic but it was hysterical! Nothing like leaving home, even for a day, to make you feel proud of your country.

Now here I sit at the Northern most end of Terminal 5, watching the planes leave and land, listening to "of Monsters and Men", waiting for my connecting flight to New York City!

The day is here. USA here I come!

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