Monday 26 May 2014

Ah, summer!

Hello summer time!

There was quite a recognizable difference between the rainy overcast weather in London, and the beautifully sunny weather in New York! After an hour delay, I landed at JKF International at 3.30.

On this flight I found myself seated next to a British man who had served as a nurse in Palestine and now teaches history to high school kids. He was a very interesting man who was so interested in everything South African. We spoke for ages about the world and current affairs such as his opinion on. Mr Oscar Pistorius... Interesting.

Once through customs, I booked myself a shuttle to my Hostel and made friends with 2 girls from New Castle. For all of you who want to know, yes, they were exactly like the cast of Geordie Shore! We had a few laughs together and shared the wonder of witnessing the Manhattan Sky Line for the first time. It was breath taking. The size and numbers of those buildings will blow your mind!

We pulled up to my hostel and a sinking feeling hit me. This place was dodge.

Located in a dilapidated old building was the Chelsea high line hostel, compleat with one toilet per floor, and bunk beds that move so much! I think I may get sea sick. Despite its condition, it's location is very nice, as I discovered on my short lived exploration of the city.

I walked 3 blocks across town and, by a happy accident, found myself in the middle of a street market! It was awesome! The police had closed off the entire street and everywhere you looked there were people selling interesting things. It felt like you could find anything from deep fried Oreos to clothes and cellphone accessories. I walked down the length of the street, towards the World Trade Centre Monument, and it was a wonderful sight to see, even from a distance.

I turned back after about 10 blocks as I was loosing the light and the market was beginning to close down. I walked all the way back to my hostel and continued past it for another 2 blocks in the other direction. Here I found another surprise, The Chelsea waterfront park. A beautiful and lively park on the water's edge filled with families and dogs enjoying the fresh air. I sat on the pier and relaxed for awhile, then walked along the water until I reached the docks. Next to the dock was a public skate park mad I sat and watched the skaters enjoy themselves and risk their lives in the pursuit of perfection.

I headed back to my hostel for a shower, for some food and for an early night as I am flying to North Carolina tomorrow and need to be up and at it at 3am local time, still jet lagged and exhausted.

Wish me luck!