Monday 2 June 2014

Orientation... Yeah

Today was the first full day of Orientation, and it was great! We had a less than amazing breakfast but it was entertaining to meet and greet with the new people and make friends! After breakfast we headed to our first of a series of talks which were all balancing on the fence between very helpful and deathly boring. I tried my best to pay attention though as many of them spoke about the rules at camp and the way we would go about our days! Most of it made sense and was basically the same as camps back home, although every so often a phrase would catch me totally off guard and I would have to get my bearings again.

We played many games in between all the sessions of the day to keep our brains active and to continue to get to know everyone better. One of my favorites was called "the ball of burning questions" which consisted of throwing an oversized beach ball to one another which was covered in hand written questions. Wherever your right thumb landed was the question you "picked", and you had to read the question to the group and answer it. This was great fun and a good way to get to know everyone.

Lunch was a series of delicious wraps, followed by more lessons and lectures, and then an awesome Chinese dinner. We have a period called EP which stands for evening programs, and they seem to be a mix of activities that we will do with the campers when they arrive. We as counselors have the task of playing and/or partaking in each and every one before camp begins so that we all understand the rules and can teach the kids how to play. Is this even homework?
The Ugly pageant and The Secret Song where last night's EPs and tonight's were just as good: we sang some songs and then played Kick Ball which is basically Baseball but a lot easier as you kick a much larger ball rather than use a bat, and was so much fun! We all walked up to the soccer field and set up all the bases. Garrett drove his old-school Jeep Wrangler with a killer sound system up to the field and blared music while we played. It was basically a huge, field wide, camp sized dance party with a dodgeball being kicked into the air.
I learned almost all the rules but please don't quiz me, chances are it's false confidence.

We then all returned back to our cabins and played "Cards Against Humanity" which is the most ingenious game I have ever played. Ever. It basically consists of filling blanks within sentences, and the person who successfully making up the dirtiest sentence or funniest sentence winning the round.
I won a lot of rounds, and I haven't decided if that is a good or bad thing quite yet!

So far, this experience has been amazing and the excitement is building so quickly...

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